Wednesday, 29 April 2020

First things to know with a Stoma

So it happened. You just got word from your doctor that you are going to get an ostomy.  Soon you will have a Stoma and you have no idea what this means.  For most people anger is the first response as they realize they are going to be the ones with a bag of their worst nightmares attached to them.  Sounds a bit extreme and in all honesty it is.  The first response is always the hardest and then grieving and a bit of despair finds its way in.  It may be in a minute, a week, or a few months later, but it is to be expected.  Once this is over they can learn and overcome the idea that they will have a stoma.  So lets go over some of the things that either the patient or new nurse can possibly use to get the best ostomy care possible.

Some people believe it's ok for the skin around your stoma to be a different color.  Or they think it is normal for is to be a bit sore or rash like.  This is totally not true, keeping the skin clean and clear of urine, stool, or pouching adhesive is not normal.  Keeping the area clean and the skin healthy is very important.  This is very doable as well.  The skin around the Stoma should be the exact color and healthy level as the rest of your abdomen. 

So start with a basic pouching system. There are lots of products and brand that will happily give you free samples.  But don’t rush into trying too many things or getting over complicated.  Take it easy and start small. You will be in touch with an ostomy care, wound, or care nurse and its important to follow the guidelines they give.  They will be a great base to learn from and to get any issues you may have or questions under control. When you get your first pouch. 

Follow the instructions of the manufacturer.  This is an area where they companies are truly there for you and work hard to make sure no issues occur.  If you do have leakage or skin troubles. Go to your health care provider or nurse right away.  They will be able to walk you through rather the product was defective or if it was user error.  Its user error a lot when you start and that is ok.  Listen, learn, and get better! It only gets better. Stay safe and follow your health care providers instructions.

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